37 – Camping With Kids

Some of us grew up camping – and some did not. Especially if you have younger children, it can seem more than a bit daunting to venture out into bug-infested wastelands that can both freeze and burn you on the same day! This episode is something new. Steve Vando...

36 – A Father’s Power

In the beginning, The Father spoke the Word to create the world. Adam then Named all the animals. Ever wonder why the secular studies show that it’s up to Dad to make sure the kids stay in the faith? There is something profound about how men can Name, and it...

35 – Gratitude

We live in a crazy world right now where there’s a lot of darkness. Between pandemic, election drama, riots, etc. there’s good reason to be skeptical and negative. But it doesn’t help you to be so! Join me in this episode to discuss how embracing a...

34 – How to work with a Bad Boss

Sometimes we are blessed with an awesome boss…And sometimes we are not. So what do you do when you have a Bad Boss? It’s time to make a plan, and get busy doing it. Join me in this episode to discuss practical ways to find improvement if you have a Bad...

33 – Work

Adam, dude…. Ever since the apple fell, guys have been workin’ hard. But what does it mean to work? Why is it important, and how do we find the job that is right for us? In this episode I offer some philosophical and some practical advice for how to...