Catholic Life Coaching Works

Michael Jaquith
Podcaster, Life Coach
Let’s talk about practical strategies for managing life, better ways to view and engage the world, and how to take one step closer to standing tall in the sight of the Father.
Meet Dr. Michael
Your Coach
I’m Dr. Michael Jaquith. A modern Catholic guy, a podcaster, and a Life Coach. I work with the guys who really want to grow and become the man God created them to be.
Stand Tall In The Sight Of The Father
There is only one thing standing between you and the man God wants you to be.
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” (Proberbs 23:7)
Unfortunately, we can’t see it clearly. We’re too deep in.
In sports, business, and life, a great coach can see what we can’t see ourselves.
Coaching Services
God has a path for each of us. Have you found yours? Is your relationship with Our Lord or the Church shallow or cold? Are you finding yourself cut off from the sacraments? Give me a call to find out what we can work on to help.
Being a dad is tough. Do you find yourself avoiding the children and domestic responsibilities? Or, is your interaction with the kids one of mostly anger and frustration? How aligned are you and your wife on the topic of discipline? Let’s talk about how you can work towards that dream of being a rockstar dad!
“Husbands, love your wives…” Ok, but how does one do that when she’s being a crazy person? Does your marriage have more in common with the frozen tundra than the hot tropical beaches? Marriage is hard for a reason – it’s designed to help us grow up and become the man God intended. Let’s talk about how yours might work better.
We know that God called us to provide for the family, but how? What career path is even the right one? Do you want to trade out family time for more money? What type of work will bring the most satisfaction and meaning? Thankfully there is help. Using several standardized tests, let’s see if we can figure out a bit more!
Act Today!
In one call, I can show you what’s keeping you from living without pain and shame in your life.
After our call, I will email you some concrete steps to stay there.
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Make sure to check the Time Zone!
Our discovery call will be a 60-minute long phone call.
In life, just like sports and business, a great coach gets us to a place we can’t get ourselves.
Our Awesome Clients
John Taylor
I was led to Michael at a time when I needed a really good guy in my corner. His devout, patient and often humorous wisdom helped draw out a number of life obstacles that I've been wrestling to address since my childhood. He was a mentor, guide, role model, and sounding board. Throughout the experience, he challenged me to grow, a lot, but was never intrusive and has an extraordinary gift for sensing where someone 'is'.
If you're even mildly interested in a Catholic life coach, I highly recommend speaking to Michael.
Zach B
"Michael's authenticity with faith and advice, and desire to help me improve showed through on each call. I genuinely felt like he sought the best for me. He compassionately challenges what I bring to the table and I always end our conversations with practical action items to help build me as a man."
Jim Johnson
CEO & Founder
"Insightful, deep diving, and sincere! Michael did an incredible job getting me to admit to myself my TRUE personal goals and steps to accomplish them. Thank you for pushing me to be a better man of God"
Skylar C
Michael helped me in both practical and spiritual struggles I was
having as I navigated some difficult life circumstances. He helped me
work on my resume to summarize my most important skills and personal
qualities at the top, and that alone was enough to make the coaching
worth it; I immediately started getting more interviews, and landed a
job within three months after a much longer search. Just as
importantly, Michael shared wisdom about improving my relationship
with God, discerning decisions for myself and my family, and on
communication with my wife as we prepared for the arrival of our first
child. He shared that it is important to be gentle with ourselves
about past, current and future mistakes, while continuing to fight
vigorously to be the man God wants us to be. I know that some of these
ideas helped me boost my confidence so that I could create a strong
bond with my child right away. My life has vastly improved over the
past year, and while that took God's will and some good luck,
Michael's coaching changed the way I presented myself and made
decisions; more men need this.
Sam H
I was led to Michael at a time when I needed a really good guy in my corner. His devout, patient and often humorous wisdom helped draw out a number of life obstacles that I've been wrestling to address since my childhood. He was a mentor, guide, role model, and sounding board. Throughout the experience, he challenged me to grow, a lot, but was never intrusive and has an extraordinary gift for sensing where someone 'is'.
If you're even mildly interested in a Catholic life coach, I highly recommend speaking to Michael.
Jay Coltrain
Mechanical Engineer & Entrepreneur
“It has been extremely helpful to have someone that can look at things from an outside perspective and ask objective, and hard, questions and then follow that up with some great resource recommendations. Michael has helped me question my own assumptions which has allowed me to get clear and focused on my goals and objectives and be able to make changes in my circumstances and life.”