187 – Let Go Of The Past

We all know we’re supposed to forgive. It should be simple, it should be straightforward. But the truth is it’s not only complicated, but extremely difficult. Often we don’t even realize when we’re failing to forgive. Historians often say that...

185 – How To Understand Women

Whether you’re married or not, it’s a safe assumption to say you’ve been confused by how women think. All men are, at least sometimes. But what if there were at least some guidelines to help you better understand her? Join me in this episode as I...

184 – Radical Catholic Responsibility

We love the stories of the heroes, the underdogs, and the winners. We revel in the touchdown throw that wins the superbowl. We sometimes even cry as the hero in the movie sacrifices everything. Yet we so often fail to live our potential in our own lives. What if...