201 – Burn The Boats with Kevin Phillip

Sometimes God asks us for little things. A little adjustment here or there.  Sometimes He asks us to do things that scare the…poop out of us. How we respond to His call tells us a lot about ourselves. All too often we crumble and falter. But we don’t...

200 – The Real I

Every human has a great number of pieces, parts, and facets to themself. Finding balance is often difficult – commonly one piece (perhaps a lustful piece) takes over control and we seem “surprised” with where we end up. Things get really bad when we...

199 – God’s Patience with Scott Maderer

So often in our lives, God is moving pieces that we don’t see, or at least understand. We commonly are so focused on the moment we fail to see the bigger picture. Commonly we fear that things are so bad there is no way even God could bring good out. But there...