151 – Gospel of Work with Dan Donaldson

by Aug 14, 2023

When God kicked Adam out of the garden, He assigned Adam to work. This work wasn’t meant to be merely a “punishment” but rather a path to redemption. Work is a chance for a man to strive, grow, and become the deeper man that God intended him to be!

So many of us look at our jobs as simply a way to pay the bills. We tend to either rush to get the bare minimum done or instead become obsessed with work to the detriment of our families.

This was never God’s plan.

You have an opportunity to join a free conference to learn what to do instead!

Join me in this episode as my returning guest Dan Donaldson discusses the next free conference hosted by Catholic Men’s Leadership Alliance (CMLA). This conference is called the “Gospel of Work” and focuses on how we as Catholic men need to show up and lead at work.

Did I mention Matthew Kelly (one of my personal favorites!) will be speaking???

You can find out more at https://heroicmen.com/

You can reach Dan directly at [email protected]

Check out this episode!


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