200 – The Real I

by May 13, 2024

Every human has a great number of pieces, parts, and facets to themself. Finding balance is often difficult – commonly one piece (perhaps a lustful piece) takes over control and we seem “surprised” with where we end up.

Things get really bad when we confuse a “piece” of ourself for the actual “self.”

Who is the real “I” that lives beneath all our desires, whims, and needs?

Join me in this episode as I start with Exodus chapter 32 (the original “Pride Parade”) and explore what commonly happens whenever we confuse a piece of ourselves with the actual self. The response is for the Levites to draw swords and kill – and that is often the response we need also towards those lustful, gluttonous and sinful parts.

Mild action doesn’t cut it. We need to be radical.

Check out this episode!


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