146 – Don’t Overheat

It’s hot! (At least in the northern hemisphere.) If you’re at all like me, it’s harder to stay calm when my face feels like it’s melting off. Everything the wife or kids say or do seems to cut more sharply. If you still blame your family for...

145 – The lone hunter is eaten first

Men need men. Our wives are not men. We need more than our wives. Sounds obvious, right? Yet so many men do not make the time to form deep friendships with a group of faithful men committed to improving themselves. We find ourselves “busy” and prioritize...

144 – Embracing a Deeper Masculinity Part 2

This episode is Part 2 of episode 143. I strongly recommend you listen to that episode first! There are many in our society who desperately want us all to believe that gender is merely an adjustable value. Even within the Catholic church, there are many who fail to...

143 – Embracing a Deeper Masculinity Part 1

There are many in our society who desperately want us all to believe that gender is merely an adjustable value. Even within the Catholic church, there are many who fail to embrace just how stunningly different men are from women. Women are different from men! And not...