88 – Serving Others with Ben Albert

Christ came to earth with a very clear mission, and a very powerful plan. Though he was (and is!) the King of Kings, he became a servant to all. We all have things we want to accomplish, but all too often we get focused on serving ourselves and chasing our own...

86 – Productivity with Gregory Offner

Husbands and Fathers know we need to provide food on the table and roof on the head. Sadly, we also tend to think we don’t get to choose a job we love. But what if we didn’t have to? What if it is possible to pursue impact and meaning, as well as getting...

84B – Hope for the Church with Joe Sixpack

Scandal is applied to the Catholic Church all too often. Those of us faithful in the pews can easily become discouraged and lose hope in the quality of our leadership. And worse, even the bishops and priests who are striving for holiness are often too scared to speak...