69 – Do not be afraid with Liam Naden

The human brain is way more powerful than most of us realize. It can perform calculations faster than any supercomputer in the world, and it has a direct line connection to the Almighty Himself. How we use our brains, our minds, and our hearts is essential to our...

66 – Beauty with John Lee

Beauty is a topic that most men don’t spend a lot of time thinking about, and yet it’s always been one of the most effective and powerful aspects of connection, communication, meaning, and purpose. The modern world often scorns beauty, but we dismiss it to...

64 – Interview with Paul Granger

Paul Granger is a man with an amazing story, a story of faith through difficulties that would scare the pants off of most men. Yet, despite his challenges, he has a joy, peace, and love of Our Lord that most of us would be envious of. Join me in this episode as Paul...