Stand Tall In The Sight Of The Father


God should come first, but what does that really mean?

I’m Michael Jaquith. A modern Catholic guy, a podcaster, and a Life Coach. This podcast is dedicated to those guys who really want to grow and become the man God created them to be.

We’ll talk about both practical strategies for managing life, better ways to view and engage the world, and how to take one step closer to standing tall in the sight of the Father.


39 How To Talk Part 1

“Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me…”

Fewer ideas could be more incorrect – or more dangerous!

Join me in this episode to dive into the topic of how to communicate. This is extremely powerful stuff – especially for your marriage, but also for your other close relationships.

The words that come out of your mouth, and the way you let words into your ears, can be one of the most important skills you can develop for a happy life.

Check out this episode!

38 – The Past

We all have a history. We all have stories.

These stories often define how we act and what we do – even if when we don’t want them to.

For most of us, we have pieces of our past that still cause strong emotions. Those emotions are there for a reason! There is work to be done here.

In this episode, I discuss the power of exploring our Past. Story Work is difficult, but essential if we really want to grow in holiness and virtue.

The past isn’t dead…in fact it isn’t even really the past!

Check out this episode!

37 – Camping With Kids

Some of us grew up camping – and some did not. Especially if you have younger children, it can seem more than a bit daunting to venture out into bug-infested wastelands that can both freeze and burn you on the same day!

This episode is something new. Steve Vando joins me and we flip the tables! He interviews me about my experience taking kids camping (along with all the guest-heckling that a host is supposed to do.)

We discuss a lot of practical tips as well as share some good stories.

If you have thought that maybe you should try the outdoors with children, then this episode is a Must-Listen!

Check out this episode!

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Jay Coltrain

Mechanical Engineer & Entrepreneur

“It has been extremely helpful to have someone that can look at things from an outside perspective and ask objective, and hard, questions and then follow that up with some great resource recommendations. He has helped me question my own assumptions which has allowed me to get clear and focused on my goals and objectives to and be able to make changes in my circumstances and life.”