Stand Tall In The Sight Of The Father


God should come first, but what does that really mean?

I’m Michael Jaquith. A modern Catholic guy, a podcaster, and a Life Coach. This podcast is dedicated to those guys who really want to grow and become the man God created them to be.

We’ll talk about both practical strategies for managing life, better ways to view and engage the world, and how to take one step closer to standing tall in the sight of the Father.


33 – Work

Adam, dude….

Ever since the apple fell, guys have been workin’ hard. But what does it mean to work? Why is it important, and how do we find the job that is right for us?

In this episode I offer some philosophical and some practical advice for how to determine the right job for you; a job that offers both money and meaning.

Check out this episode!

32 – Narrative

“What’s your story?”

It’s undeniable – we live in a scientific mindset world. And it works…right? Well, for some things yes. If you need to get a rocket to the moon, absolutely. If you need to understand why love is fickle and sometimes hurts…not so much.

In this episode we explore the other half of reality, that of the story, or the narrative events. It’s not about measurements in feet, pounds, or degrees, but is instead about what has real meaning in our lives.

Join me to find out more.

Check out this episode!

31 – 5 Lessons from FitF

I just got back from one of my favorite camping trips of the year.

11 dads.

Almost 40 kids.

Hot sun. Cold nights. Mosquitos. Lakes. Shooting. Eating. Drinking.

But, in case you missed out, I’ve distilled 5 powerful lessons I learned from this trip. Can’t wait to share.

Check out this episode!

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Jay Coltrain

Mechanical Engineer & Entrepreneur

“It has been extremely helpful to have someone that can look at things from an outside perspective and ask objective, and hard, questions and then follow that up with some great resource recommendations. He has helped me question my own assumptions which has allowed me to get clear and focused on my goals and objectives to and be able to make changes in my circumstances and life.”