Stand Tall In The Sight Of The Father


God should come first, but what does that really mean?

I’m Michael Jaquith. A modern Catholic guy, a podcaster, and a Life Coach. This podcast is dedicated to those guys who really want to grow and become the man God created them to be.

We’ll talk about both practical strategies for managing life, better ways to view and engage the world, and how to take one step closer to standing tall in the sight of the Father.


30 – Abundance vs Scarcity

We all have a viewpoint of the world that is different from each other, but there are patterns. Some people look at the world with the belief that there is so much more goodness out there to be discovered, while some people worry that there simply isn’t enough. The former is an attitude of Abundance, while the latter is an attitude of Scarcity.

In this episode I open up this subject from a Biblical view. Consistently in the Bible, God invites us to believe in His goodness, and the superabundance of His goodness. But how do we actually do this?

Check out this episode!

29 – Awareness

The first step to solving any problem is to be aware of the problem. Or, said differently, one cannot confess a sin without knowing that one has sinned. Awareness is a critical part of any growth process.

Awareness isn’t simple, however. There are many different ways to be aware – and specifically, different steps in the mental process for awareness to act. As we become aware earlier in the process, we slowly get closer to sainthood. In this episode, I invite you to become more aware of how aware you are.

Check out this episode!

28 – Control


Self-reliance. (Ungodly, of course)

We all want to control. We all like to trick ourselves into thinking that we actually DO have control.

In this episode I really explore what it means to have control, why we want it, and how we use control to further our own perceived need to be self reliant. If you really want to live the life you TRULY want, then instead of gripping more tightly, the only solution is to surrender our will to God. In surrender lies true freedom.

Check out this episode!

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Jay Coltrain

Mechanical Engineer & Entrepreneur

“It has been extremely helpful to have someone that can look at things from an outside perspective and ask objective, and hard, questions and then follow that up with some great resource recommendations. He has helped me question my own assumptions which has allowed me to get clear and focused on my goals and objectives to and be able to make changes in my circumstances and life.”