Stand Tall In The Sight Of The Father


God should come first, but what does that really mean?

I’m Michael Jaquith. A modern Catholic guy, a podcaster, and a Life Coach. This podcast is dedicated to those guys who really want to grow and become the man God created them to be.

We’ll talk about both practical strategies for managing life, better ways to view and engage the world, and how to take one step closer to standing tall in the sight of the Father.


S01E06 – Defeating Pornography with Steven Pokorny

Simply put, pornography may be one of the single biggest crisis our culture is facing. It is destroying our marriages, families, self-identity, and even our own brain chemistry. Statistically, almost all men have struggled or still do struggle with the compulsion for pornography.

In this episode, I invite a special guest Steven Pokorny from the Freedom Coaching School to join us. He brings to the table not only some stunning (and terrifying) statistics and biochemical learnings, but also his experience from the front-line fighting against this evil.

If you are a guy (or know a guy) who is struggling with pornography, this episode is a must-listen!

You can read about Steve’s coaching business at:

You can find his book “Redeemed Vision: Setting the Blind Free from the Pornified Culture,” Available on Amazon:


Check out this episode!

S01E05 Advanced Thought Tactics

You want to become better. You want to become a saint! One of the biggest barriers in your way is…You! Getting control of your thoughts is essential to improving anything in your life that you want to be better.

In this episode I continue the theme of mindset work and really encourage guys to get serious about what’s going on in our heads. This stuff matters!

Check out this episode!

S01E04 Stop Punching Yourself

Ever since I watched Nelson hit Bart with his own hand, I knew I was doing something like that myself. It wasn’t until I discovered the power of our own thoughts that I came to realize how.

The ancients tell us that our thoughts determine our reality – but what does this mean? In a scientific age, what can this mean? Well, surprisingly, it may be more close to true than we might like.

In this episode I start the exploration of how our thoughts affect every aspect of our understanding. They literally create our results. If you want to stop punching yourself, gain control of your thoughts!

Check out this episode!

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Jay Coltrain

Mechanical Engineer & Entrepreneur

“It has been extremely helpful to have someone that can look at things from an outside perspective and ask objective, and hard, questions and then follow that up with some great resource recommendations. He has helped me question my own assumptions which has allowed me to get clear and focused on my goals and objectives to and be able to make changes in my circumstances and life.”