138 – Find Your Passion with Jeremy Ryan Slate

by May 15, 2023

God has a plan for every single one of us – but we often don’t do a great job discerning it. It can often take struggle, effort, and even failure to find that path.

Yet God did not leave us unaided. Built into your being is a unique blend of passion and drive that, when harnessed, will propel you forward. This is true whatever your personality or strengths.

Join me in this episode as Mr Jeremy Ryan Slate and I explore his passion and journey through life. While keeping it light (and even a bit silly) we touch on some really powerful choices and moments we all come to: how to stay connected with your wife through difficult times, how to pick the pieces back up after a failure, and how to work on improving myself to get the needed perspective. There are a lot of really practical pieces of advice he offers all of us.

You can find out more about Jeremy’s company Command Your Brand at the website https://commandyourbrand.com/. You can find out more about him directly at https://www.jeremyryanslate.com/.

Check out this episode!


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