160 – Free From Weight with Alan Thomas

by Oct 23, 2023

So many people think “weight loss” is just about a diet.

We also think that being “overweight” is just a problem for another day.

But what if underneath our wide-spread problem with weight is a series of crippling fears, doubts, and stories that are dragging down many parts of our lives, not merely our trousers.

Weight loss isn’t about looking good. It’s about living a life of freedom, free to pursue what God made you for!

Join me in this episode as my guest Alan Thomas explores his own story with weight loss, and outlines how he helps Christian men everywhere finally break free from the chains of being overweight or even obese. He doesn’t tell anyone what to eat or what exercise to do. He simply confronts the stories we tell ourselves that are keeping us from living as free as God intends.

You can find out more about Alan’s work and get a totally free first training at: https://transformmyfuture.com/mj

Check out this episode!


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