163 – Marriage Coaching Part 1 with Kelly Dupee

by Nov 8, 2023

Marriage is hard.

I sometimes wonder if I should dedicate an entire series to “How To Improve Your Marriage.” It is in many ways a lynchpin to your entire success and happiness.

The second most important part of your life is your marriage. As a husband, you have a duty to your wife and family that is higher than that to anyone other than God. Do not accept mediocrity!

Join me in this episode as Christian Marriage Coach Kelly Dupee and I discuss our coaching work with Christian marriages. He provides some practical advice for real ways you can step up your game as a husband and better love your wife. This is critical work for all of us husbands, we all need to do better!

This is likely the first of several conversations! You can find out more about Kelly Dupee and get a reduced price on his book at his website: https://turnitup.coach/

Check out this episode!


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