77 – Read the Bible with Michael Ward

We all know the joke – Protestants know the Bible better than Catholics. Sadly, to some extent, it’s true. Reading the Bible is actually pretty hard; especially if you start from page 1 and try to go straight through. But it doesn’t have to be. What...

76 – Are you the good thief?

We all know the story – the good thief and the bad thief. One goes to heaven that day. The good thief sounds pretty cool, right? Think again. I suggest to you that this was a pretty terrible dude – the sort you would never even want to go to a bar with...

75 – Good Diversity with Ray Arata

The topic of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity is a pretty divisive one right now. Abstractly, we all know that a diverse set of perspectives is helpful, but we also each have horror stories of how policies in the DIE name have been rammed down corporate throats...