156 – Why with Cory Rosenke

Deep down, we all (even non-Christians) know that there has to be some part of us beyond our brains and bodies. Those deepest parts have yearnings that call us to search for something that is not material. Those yearnings call us to search for God. Though, we do get...

154 – Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

The Second Greatest Commandment is to “Love Your Neighbor As Yourself.” Sounds simple enough, right? Maybe not. First, what does it mean to love “yourself?” Most of us, if we spoke the truth, actually think very poorly of ourselves. We treat...

153 – Phase 2 – Seriously?

There’s a lot of reasons when It is sometimes off the table. But almost all of them make it harder to be a good husband. What’s worse, for a couple practicing NFP in order to avoid conception, the time when It is off the table is also the time when both...