Stand Tall In The Sight Of The Father


God should come first, but what does that really mean?

I’m Michael Jaquith. A modern Catholic guy, a podcaster, and a Life Coach. This podcast is dedicated to those guys who really want to grow and become the man God created them to be.

We’ll talk about both practical strategies for managing life, better ways to view and engage the world, and how to take one step closer to standing tall in the sight of the Father.


197 – How To Find The Real Issue

We all get triggered. Some of us, frequently. When we get triggered, we love to point the finger at the other person, at the situation, even at God.

But what if the right person to point the finger at is ourselves?

My claim to you is that you have the power to solve your own triggers, to create your own responses that you choose. You can do it by finally getting to the bottom of what in your life controls you.

Join me in this episode as I walk through a process to help sort out and confront many common root causes that cause us as men to become triggered. You can do a lot of this work by yourself, but will definitely benefit from wise and trustworthy men in your life. For certain, you will need to include the Lord.

Check out this episode!

195 – The Trap of Addiction with Logan Hufford

There are some addictions and traps that God lets us get out of pretty easy, but there are some that are really tough.

Often we persuade ourselves that we can do it, or that it’ll be enough to just get mostly clean – but we’re wrong.

We delay the healing through self deception.

Join me in this episode as Logan Hufford shares his story of a severe sexual addiction and the years he spent struggling for freedom. So often he deceived even himself about what was going on. Even in his darkest moments, God had a plan. The struggle to fully accept God’s love is hard for all of us, but certainly for those struggling with an addiction.

You can find a link to the specific program Logan was part of here:

If you have questions about the groups Logan talked about, or the tools available on the Prodigals of Alaska website, please feel free to reach out to Logan at [email protected]

Check out this episode!

194 – Community and Mentorship with Terry Allen

Most of us have been blessed repeatedly in life by another person offering wisdom and perspective. Sometimes it was a formal mentorship, sometimes simply a random passing.

There’s something fundamental to the human experience to learn from and be in community with other humans.

Our modern world is quietly suffering in extreme isolation. We’ve never been so lonely. But we don’t have to stay alone!

Join me in this episode as Terry Allen describes a new program he is launching to provide mentors to people of all ages. This program is totally free, and has the potential to forever change your life! 

You can read about this amazing program and sign up to be either a mentor or mentee at his website:

Check out this episode!

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Jay Coltrain

Mechanical Engineer & Entrepreneur

“It has been extremely helpful to have someone that can look at things from an outside perspective and ask objective, and hard, questions and then follow that up with some great resource recommendations. He has helped me question my own assumptions which has allowed me to get clear and focused on my goals and objectives to and be able to make changes in my circumstances and life.”